Sunday, 14 December 2014

Frair Stone Wandering Monk

Finished this guy today and a real joy to paint, full of character!  As usual he is a Reaper Sculpt.

He also seems to have found a rather bad tempered Badger to follow him about!

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Kara Foehunter, Dwarf Hero

Another Reaper Miniature, this time a dwarf rogue.  I am pleased enough with how the base turned out as its the first time I have attempted a custom base like this, the paint job I struggled with and while its a decent finish I still think it could have been better.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Rus are coming (yup there are more of them)

Another batch of Rus Warriors this time.  I have added a nice flag from Gripping Beast's Viking range to the group so people know who they are.  I have also bought a sheet of the shield decals from Little Big Man designs so I'll be hopefully adding them to my next batch of warriors.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Howling at the moon

Another Reaper sculpt and one I have had for a while, quite pleased with how he turned out and finally found a use for one of those gravestones I picked up a while back.

Monday, 3 November 2014

The Rus are coming!

I found a bag of Gripping Beast figures that I have had for years, I remember not being too impressed with them at the time but decided to give them another go and I am glad I did!  They cleaned up and painted up very well, well enough that I have prepped up five more of the fellows.

The Rus:

Saturday, 1 November 2014

On the work table

Spent an afternoon prepping some miniatures.

A werewolf, Ogre, 5 Rus and a couple of animal companions including a badger.

I should have some finished stuff to upload this week too!

Monday, 20 October 2014

Juliette, Female wizard

Finished another Reaper figure, a female wizard this time.  

Also a look at my painting table.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Cassie, Gnome Wizard

Took a break from Elves this week to paint up a fun looking Reaper sculpt.  I have tried to add more detail to the robe by painting the symbols on it.  I am happy enough with how it turned out too.  Just have to try something a bit more complex next time!

Saturday, 27 September 2014


Finished my second batch of Dryads with two painted up as Branch Wraiths.

These are my first photos with my new Foldio photo studio and I am very happy with how they turned out.

Monday, 15 September 2014

First Hero Finished

My first hero for the Wood Elves has been finished, a Reaper sculpt instead of a Games Workshop one.  Quite happy with her though her scabbard probably lets her down a little.

Now onto my second unit of Dryads and the GW Spellsinger!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Glade Guard part 2

Painted up my second unit of Glade Guard and I am happy to say I believe I have improved their look from the first unit I painted.  I spent more time on extreme highlighting the edges of the figures to make them "pop" out more than the last group.

I also have bought some movement stands and added magnets to the bases to stop them toppling over!

Now I just have to finish one of my lords and I have a finished 500pt army.