Well it had to happen, started getting back into painting figures and the itch crept upon me again. Yup I am back into collecting the darn things and looking at tabletop gaming again...hey ho.
Took me a little while but having painted up some Games workshop Wood Elf Glade Guard I had "lying" around I decided to try and finish off a small force of them. Being one of those butterflies that flits from different ranges and periods to the next shiny thing I decided I had to lay some ground rules.
1. I can only spend money I have got through selling my unwanted stuff on EBay. This limits me and stops me spending too much!
2. I have to paint what I have first before buying new or at least get my goal finished. That's to stop me amassing another lead pile in place of the one I just got rid of.
So far I have done not too badly, my first aim is to get a 500pts Wood Elf force finished, mostly Glade Guard and Dryads and that's going well as I am on the last unit at the moment. Once they are finished Ill either move to a 1000pts force or take a peek at getting the Flames of War WW2 starter set.
Anyway I am going to try and keep this blog updated with a once a week update of how this is going, as this is the first one Ill post up the finished pictures below of the units I have at the moment.
These are my Glade Guard, a single unit if 10 so far but another is currently being painted.
My Dryads, not everyones choice for Wood Elves but the rule of cool demands they are used! A unit of 12 figures at the moment.
Currently just the hero and the second Glade Guard unit to finish off.