Sunday, 16 November 2014

The Rus are coming (yup there are more of them)

Another batch of Rus Warriors this time.  I have added a nice flag from Gripping Beast's Viking range to the group so people know who they are.  I have also bought a sheet of the shield decals from Little Big Man designs so I'll be hopefully adding them to my next batch of warriors.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Howling at the moon

Another Reaper sculpt and one I have had for a while, quite pleased with how he turned out and finally found a use for one of those gravestones I picked up a while back.

Monday, 3 November 2014

The Rus are coming!

I found a bag of Gripping Beast figures that I have had for years, I remember not being too impressed with them at the time but decided to give them another go and I am glad I did!  They cleaned up and painted up very well, well enough that I have prepped up five more of the fellows.

The Rus:

Saturday, 1 November 2014

On the work table

Spent an afternoon prepping some miniatures.

A werewolf, Ogre, 5 Rus and a couple of animal companions including a badger.

I should have some finished stuff to upload this week too!