Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Display Bases

Finished three more display bases using the plastic ruins that come with one of the LoTR sets Games Workshop used to make.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Aragorn and Gimli

Had a blast painting up these two last week, really enjoyed the two figures.  There is something about the LoTR figures that makes them easy to paint, maybe because they are true to scale and not overblown like most fantasy miniatures.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Daughter of the Reik

A return to one of my favorite figure manufactures this week with Maika von Ostwald from Hasslefree.   A lovely sculpt full of character, the usual high standards from Hasslefree.  I have painted her in the colours of a Warhammer Empire Swordsman which seemed to be a nice fit.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

More Rangers and a base

Finished my second batch of Mirkwood Rangers.

I also managed to buy some movement trays of ebay to use as display bases, in fact I got double the number I wanted due to mistake on my part!  that said they are nice bases designed to hold up to 5 figures on round bases.  

I have finished one as a test piece and am really pleased with it I am going to try and make a few more that require more modelling skill.